Research Survey

Dear Valued Members,

We kindly ask that you spare a moment to complete this survey on behalf of our marketing team.

Thank you for your support.

What Social Media platform do you use the most?
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • TikTok
  • I don’t use Social Media

0 voters

I don’t use any of them.

I dont actively use any of them. Linkedin i watch the progress of others. Would not want SWS to go social media. Kelvin

Not sure if my survey registered however Face Book…Pete

I only use Instagram

I rarely use any of them

I don’t use any of them

I only use Facebook occasionally to communicate with a few family and friends overseas (who prefer FB). If I had the choice I would not use any of the 5 social media platforms listed.

Huh? I checked the radio button, but there’s no "submit button. How do I submit my survey response?

I don’t use any social media.

Hi John,

Just clicking on one of the radio buttons is fine. No need to submit anything. The last button you click will be counted as your vote.

Thank you for your participation.

I generally avoid social media, posting lots of pics about nothing much says there isn’t anything interesting going on in your life …LinkedIn may have some use but not for retired folk like me.

Please do not go down the route of social media or updates, videos etc. on fakebook as i won’t go near it.

cheers Boyd.

Hardly use social media at all.

Hi All,

Thank you again for participating in this survey.

Just to be clear, this will not have any impact on the way we currently interact with our existing members. All existing communication channels will remain as is.

This survey is for research purposes so we may better identify where potential new members are congregating. This allows us to better direct our marketing efforts in a bid to better utilise our resources.

Current members will not be affected. :blush:


Not interested in any social media interaction.

I don’t use any of them.

I rarely use social media

use WhatsApp and Facebook occasionally

not a great fan of social media - however if you are looking to grow your reach i would suggest linkedin