Research Survey

I use all of them. Instagram and Linked In the most. If you after growth and getting new generation on board, I would suggest Instagram as the best media to attract youngsters. The more people can get to use your system and grow their wealth the better!

I neither use, nor trust social media. Peter

Facebook, occasionally.

Thank you to all those who participated in the survey. You have provided valuable insights that allow us to better direct our business operations and attract new members.

There has been some great engagement on the forum of late, which we love to see. We believe investing need not be a solo journey, and indeed it can be more enjoyable when we’re in it together. To this end, I encourage all member’s to continue the discussion and grow the sense of community we are striving to create at Share Wealth Systems.

Don’t be shy to share your experiences. Remember, everybody is at a different stage in the journey and there are no silly questions. Sharing and learning from others’ experiences is the best way to build trust in the system and become more successful in executing according to the rules.

And as always, if you have any technical questions you need a hand with, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support desk. Simply email and our friendly support staff will be in contact with you ASAP.

Happy Investing. :blush:

Vincent Duggan-Jones