Thought of the Week - 14 August 2023

This week’s prompt comes from Gary’s latest “What’s up with the Markets?” session.

During the session Gary covered a range of markets and below is a link to snippet in which he describes the ASX.

Take a quick look.

Now, complete the following sentence by adding some of your own collective wisdom. :slight_smile:

Let’s hear what you’re thinking.

"The All Ords is more of a Dog’s breakfast than the Dow Jones, BUT…

Anything can happen!

Ah Yes…One of the 5 Fundamental Truths of Investing from Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas.
Good one Phillip.

How does thinking “Anything Can Happen” help with becoming a Systemized Investor? :thinking:

It helps to stop you trying to guess/predict an outcome. This is probably the number 1 mistake in mechanical trading, and the hardest (for me) to overcome.

Great comment Phillip. :boom:
I really appreciate the level of Self-awareness mentioned. It’s great to see how you’re using a simple, easy to remember statement as a mechanism to support and strengthen your mindset.

"The All Ords is more of a Dog’s breakfast than the Dow Jones, BUT…

But that has absolutely no bearing on my trading and execution going forward

That’s a clear sign of a Winning Mindset Wakefield :clap:

Members…How do you get to think like that?

"The All Ords is more of a Dog’s breakfast than the Dow Jones, BUT…