Problems accessing Education Centre

Happy new year all,
Anyone else having problems accessing the Education Centre?
Been trying to get in to continue the The Process & Mindset Intensive but for the past week I keep getting a “requested URL not found” message.

have you tried clicking on the link in the email SWS sent in December to welcome you to the new Education Centre? I often find the links still work when I can’t get into a site

Hi Shirley
Thanks for replying. Yes, I’ve tried clicking on some of the emails but get the same result. I may just have too wait until the office re-opens next week

Hi Barry,

Happy New Year!

I wanted to follow up regarding the issues you’ve been experiencing with accessing the Education Centre. I resent your login details onto your email. Please double-check your email, including your spam folder, for the resent login information.

For your reference, here’s the link to the new Education Centre login page


HI Jane
Thanks for that, I have managed to access the course again however it doesn’t recognize that I have completed the first 4 sessions so I’ll try and go back to session #5 and see how that goes.