Iain's Investment Plan Portfolio

Continuation post of Gary M’s topic from old Share Wealth Systems Forum: http://www.sharewealthsystems.com/forum/index.php/topic,3608.0.html

Please continue the discussion below.

Please read this specific post in preparation for the Supplementary C&G Webinar on Tuesday 1st September, 2020 (email sent today).

Preparation reading on ‘old’ Forum


Recording now available

Gary’s Supplementary Connect & Grow Webinar: “Update on Iain’s Investment Plan” is now available for viewing.

Recorded live: Tuesday, September 1st 2020, 1:30PM AEST

Watch the Recording

Please ensure you watch this webinar recording for all the latest information on how we will be moving forward with Iain’s Investment Plan Portfolio.

And as always, please feel free to continue the discussion below and raise any questions you may have.


Hi Gary

Unfortunately I missed the live presentation, but I have caught up with the announcement on the new Stocks now.

Is it intended to re-run the portfolio analyses with various numbers of portfolio positions to see the effects of the expanded universes on the CAGRs and MaxDDs? I think that it would be very helpful.



No intention to rerun that research analysis, which was a Money Management research exercise to determine:

  1. that overall portfolio exposure didn’t decrease as we increased the number of open positions so as to effect performance with the smaller universe of stocks than we now have.
  2. the ‘optimum’ number of positions and hence position size.

Increasing the universe of stocks will hardly effect the the above two factors as increasing the number of open positions in a portfolio will merely continue to reduce drawdown and also performance. But nit that much.

Which is a standard money management outcome that is pretty well-known now in active investing circles.

My view is that we would expend quite a lot of resource to find that there isn’t much difference to what we already know and hence would change anything that we already do.
